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More than 90% of information we receive is through vision.

Our vision system is driven by evolution of visual behaviour that helps to capable of perceiving and reacting to environment continuously.

When the lenses are worn, lot of changes happen in visual system and first time wearer needs to make some changes in developed visual behaviour.

The first-time wearer  may also feel some unusual sensation.

He may feel that new lenses are “too strong” or he may notice some changes in the depth perception.

It is difficult to coordinate with head and eye movement specially with new presbyopic correction.

A young adult with small amount of correction may also feel pulling sensation  which may be associated with need to establish new relationship between accommodation and convergence mechanism of visual system.

A young uncorrected hyperopia with +2.50 D accommodates by amount to see at infinity and corresponding more for near work. If he wears full correction, he need not accommodate for infinity and has to accommodate less for near work.

On the other hand, a young uncorrected myope with -2.50 D  can do near work without using any accommodation. If he uses correction, close work requires accommodation.

Accommodation is always associated with convergence.

Excess convergence is also relaxed when a hyperope uses correction, whereas correction in myopia stimulates convergence.

The straight forward meaning is person needs to make changes in visual habits and changes require sustained efforts to overcome initial difficulties.

When a spectacle lens is worn, a series of changes noticed in visual performance.

Some of these changes are intended and others come along.

A notable behaviour change is seen in wearer as plus lens wearer emphasizes more on ground because of expanded space horizon.

On the contrary, a minus lens wearer emphasizes more on figure because of constricted space horizon.

A plus lens wearer is peripherally more aware, whereas minus lens wearer finds himself good at central detailing.

+ lens spread light scatter and decrease light intensity and - lens decrease light scatter and increase light intensity.

This is the reason, why an optimally corrected hyperope with optimum vision will always find his contrast reduced more than optimally corrected myope with optimum vision.

Understanding the elements of change, the stages of change and way to work through each stage may help wearer to achieve desired goals.

The key to success is stay motivated and follow the advice of optometrist. One of the most important things the patient needs to do is to give up complaining during the initial period of adaptation and make a sincere try before jumping onto any conclusion.

Getting used to new Rx or a new multifocal lens require the patient to break his visual habits of past and develop a new habit that compliments the new lens type.

It means educating the patient is the key for successful adaptation. The better the patient understands what he needs to do, the better are the chances of success.

With a new pair of lenses, things may not appear perfect initially, but eventually it has to be perfect. 

The process of adaptation is similar to breaking into a new pair of shoes. If your spectacle is first ever, the best way to get used to them is to wear them as often as possible or as directed by your optometrist.

Using them in small doses unnecessarily delays the adaptation.Adapting to new lenses is normal. By providing a through understanding to all parties and patience, the adaptation process can run much smoother for both the patient and practitioner. 

Sharing knowledge helps your patients understand the condition and maintain the required enthusiasm to adapt to the new lenses.

If a child performs poorly in reading, it is normally taken to be problem related to his ability.  Vision is most often the last thing to blame. 

Besides, there is a class of people who believe that wearing spectacles creates social barrier, affecting social life and economic prospects.

Girls are particularly vulnerable to social and psychological distress. Even the children had been victimized of negative perception of spectacle.

If a child complains of not been able to see blackboard  in classroom, the grandparents in the family saying the he is feigning to wear spectacles. Attitude like this could result in serious problems in psychosocial maladjustments.

Looking at such typical scenario, it may appear difficult and somewhat gloomy, nevertheless the adequate correction of refractive error in itself is interesting and brings lot of satisfaction.

It also eliminates disabilities both in work and play than any other single method technique.


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