EYE GLOSSARIES A-Z aniridia , abduct , adduct , anatomy , angioscotoma , anisophoria , antimetropia , hyper aemia , deuter anomaly , acetylcholinester ase , mydri asis bifocal , blepharitis hetero chromia , contralateral , cyanophobia , cycloduction , descemetocele macular degeneration , dextroduction , deuteranopia , distichiasis , dispersion , dyslexia endothelium , episcleritis , exophthalmos , extraocular , irid ectomy gonioscopy , electrooculo gram haemotoma , hemianopia , hypopyon infraduction , interocular , intraocular , iridoplegia , isocoria , amblyop ia , chromat ic , achromat ism , optometr ist , conjunctiv itis kinetic leukocoria , iridodia lysis macropsia , megalophthalmos , microphthalmia , millisecond , ...
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