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Showing posts from December, 2020

Eye Diagnosis X

  1.Prefix : xanth-, xantho- Meaning : yellow Example xanthelasma - yellow plaque on the eyelid 2.Prefix : xero- Meaning : dry Example xerophthalmia - dryness of the  Cornea and Conjunctiva

Eye Diagnosis U

  Prefix : ultra- Meaning : beyond, extreme Example ultraviolet - Beyond the violet 2.Prefix : uni Meaning : one Example uniocular - one eye

Eye Diagnosis T

  1.Prefix : tele- Meaning : distant, far off Example telescope -To View distant  Objects 2.Prefix : tono- Meaning : pressure, tension Example Tonometer -To measure intraocular Pressure 3.Prefix : trans- Meaning : through,across Example Transmission - Passage through 4.Prefix : tri- Meaning : three Example trichromate - Three colours 5.Suffix : - tic Meaning :pertaining to Example anaesthetic- Pertaining to  Anaesthesia 6.Suffix : - tion Meaning :state or condition Example perception- Recognizing a percept 7.Suffix : - tomy Meaning :cutting, incision, division Example keratotomy- Incision of the cornea   8.Suffix : - tropia Meaning :to turn Example exotropia- Eye turning outward 9.Suffix : - trophy Meaning :nutrition, growth Example hypertrophy- excessive growth of  an organ

Eye Diagnosis S

  1.Prefix : scot-,scoto- Meaning :darkness, shadow Example Scotoma -A dark area of the visual field 2.Prefix : sym-, syn- Meaning : together, with Example Symblepharon -Adhesion of Bulbar a nd Palpebral Conjunctiva 3.Suffix : - scope Meaning :instrument for examining Example ophthalmoscope- Examining inside the eye 4.Suffix : - scopy Meaning :act of examining Example Retinoscopy- Process of measuring  refraction 5.Suffix : - spasm Meaning :muscle contraction Example blepharospasm- sudden contraction Of orbicularis muscle

Eye Diagnosis R

  1. Prefix : re- Meaning :again,backward Example Reflex -Respond Backward 2.Prefix : retro- Meaning :backward, behind Example Retrobulbar -Behind the eye 3.Suffix : - rrhaphy Meaning :suturing in place Example tarsorrhaphy- Suturing of eyelids

Eye Diagnosis P

  1. Prefix : pan- Meaning :all Example Panoramic Vision-   Vision in all directions. 2.Prefix : para- Meaning :beside, beyond, near, wrong Example Paraxial-  Near the axis 3.Prefix : peri- Meaning :around, near Example Perimetry-  Measurement of visual  Field around the centre 4.Prefix : phaco- Meaning :Crystalline lens Example Phacoemulsification-  A method of Cataract removal 5.Prefix : phot-,photo- Meaning :light Example Photophobia - Fear of Light 6.Prefix : poly- Meaning :many Example Polyopia - Many visual images 7.Prefix : post- Meaning :after, behind Example Postlenticular - Behind the lens 8.Prefix : presby- Meaning : old Example Presbyopia - Old Eye      9.Prefix : pro- Meaning : before, infront of Example Prophylaxis -Prevention of  a disease 10.Prefix : pseudo- Meaning :false Example Pseudoglaucoma -False glaucoma 11.Suffix : - pathy Meaning :disease Example Keratopathy- Disease of the  cornea 12.Suffix : - pexy Meaning :fixation Example retin

Eye Diagnosis O

  1.Prefix : ophthalm- Meaning : Example Ophthalmia-  Inflammation of the  Eye(Ophthalmitis) 2.Prefix : ortho- Meaning :straight, correct, right Example Orthophoria-  Straight eyes 3.Suffix : - ogist Meaning :person or agent Example Ophthalmologist 4.Suffix : - ology Meaning :science, study of, Knowledge of Example Physiology - Study of living organisms 5.Suffix : - oma Meaning :tumour Example retinoblastoma - Tumour of the  Retina 6.Suffix : - opia Meaning :condition or defect Example polyopia- Many visual images 7.Suffix : - opsia Meaning :condition or defect Example chromatopsia- Objects appeared Falsely coloured 7.Suffix : - osis Meaning :condition, process Example madarosis- Loss of eyelashes;   Proptosis (abnormal protrusion of one eye) 8.Suffix : - otomy Meaning :cutting, incision, division Example Iridotomy - Creating an opening in Iris 9.Suffix : - oxia Meaning :oxygen Example Hypoxia- state of decreased oxygen